27 Kids - GRMLN
bandcamp link
next bandcamp friday is march 7, 2025.
all proceeds go to the artist if you buy on bandcamp friday.
i'll be buying the discovery album as a thank you to Yoodoo Park for reminding me what it means to be alive with his song
When I first heard 27 Kids come up on Pantheon(click here for my Pantheon review), I had to look it up. I vividly recall watching Caspian skate and hearing the lyrics “27 kids are gonna speak their mind / Maybe ten’ll make it all the way”. I typed those lyrics into YouTube and saw the song was literally called “27 Kids” and I was like oh! of course that's what it's called.
I really love the video GRLMN made for 27 Kids. I highly recommend checking it out.
After this first discovery, I listened to this song probably over 30 times over the course of the next 2 days. I downloaded it to my mp3 player and listened to it in bed. I plugged it into my kitchen speakers in the morning and danced around while my coffee brewed.
an aside: yes, I have kitchen speakers. I bought a set for 10 dollars at a yard sale. this is what being an adult means - you can spend your adult money on adult speakers that are in your adult home that you pay monthly adult rent for with your adult job. sometimes it really is the little joys in life!
Anyways: Every time I would sit down at my computer, I’d open my 27 Kids tab and listen to it there. Usually 3 or 4 times in a row. And I didn’t get tired of it. For like 2 weeks it was the only song I wanted to listen to.
Before 27 Kids, I felt so lost. I honestly watched Pantheon on a whim. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. And I feel like 27 Kids was a big part of that. There’s nothing like a good soundtrack.
I started watching GRMLN’s youtube videos about how he made his early albums with a $20 mic he bought off craigslist. I started questioning why I keep making excuses for not doing the things I want to do (practicing music production and finishing musical projects). I’m a real two steps forward, one step back kind of guy. But really, that’s just the dance of life!!
Anyways, 27 Kids was my reason for getting up in the morning for a solid 2 weeks. I loved every part of the song. The lyrics, the melody, the production. I loved the little muted guitar ch ch ch ch at the transition part of the chorus. I loved the no no no’s in the background of the final chorus. I loved the timbre of the drums. I was genuinely captivated.
My favorite part though is the lyrics and the way the song makes me feel. It makes me want to speak my fucking mind. It makes me want to get angry at the world because I know there’s a reason to be angry.
Because even though my adult job means I have adult money to buy adult speakers it also means I have to face the reality of being an adult in the USA in 2025. I just had a full mental breakdown on the street after seeing I got a $72 dollar parking ticket. I’m fine. I’m thankful I have a car, I’m thankful I have a place to live, and I’m thankful I have enough money to pay for it. But it feels like a lot of us are at the end of our rope with no end in sight. Everything costs so much fucking money. And none of us are getting paid anywhere near a living wage. Other than the bastards in finance and tech. And I guess celebrities. But even they’re starting to complain!! (You know the economy is in shambles when you see this many major celebrities doing cell phone, credit card, and uber eats commercials LMFAO)
I’d like to be one of the 10 who make it all the way ^_^ NO i dont know what that means exactly!!! But I think we will know it when we get there!!
BTW liv already knew about GRMLN, the absolute legend. They found out about him in a music blog like 10 years ago or something back when burger records had one, before they exploded themselves (burger records) being perverts. Them mentioning that music blog is part of the reason I wanted to start a music blog myself. What a fun way to find new music!! :D Liv will be starting one soon as well, so look forward to that. I’ll create a post here when it’s up. They have such good taste in music… and yes! I will be helping them code it, so that’s up next in our coding series. I hope you all find some use out of it.
Feel free to send me any music recs by email! [m@marcika.club] or send me other things. i love correspondences (although it does take me a bit to reply, especially to longer emails!)