hi. im marcika. 25 he/they

i was born in los angeles, CA (USA) and lived there for 20 years before moving to the bay area (also in california). i can speak english and hungarian fluently! ^_^

im a musician, video artist, and i used to study computer science before i literally flunked out of the major when i transferred LOL. but im glad i flunked out cuz i decided to get my degree in film!!

hmmmm some of my likes:
music: underscores, ashlee simpson, theo katzman, (ill come back later... i love so many artists....)

movies/shows: everything everywhere all at once (movie), the people's joker (movie),

games: second life, toontown corporate clash, gaia online, petz 4, hades, (sims 2 was a childhood fave), i honestly was never really a gamer for plot games.. i played A LOT of mmos u could dress up in

books: childhood fave is warrior cats, teen faves are homestuck and elegance of the hedgehog (muriel bradbury). adult faves are idk. get back to me. im currently reading try saying you're alive which i really enjoy (a book written by kazuki tomokawa about his own life. i bought this at a book fair in san francisco and was immediately taken by the cover and the title), i also read an obscene amount of romance manga

interests: DANCINGGGG!!!, working out (honestly i hate working out but i LOVE feeling strong. so i guess feeling strong is my hobby), fixing things, the feeling of someone giving me a really heartfelt compliment, junie!!! (my cat), music: writing it, listening to it, feeling it, etc etc etc, and coding my website!!

i have so much i want to put on my site but i've been so slow... i hope those of u who are keeping up with my site enjoy it so far!! i started making this site because i've always been fascinated by the concept of a domain name. i didn't really know how websites worked but to finish up my computer science AA (i went to community college for computer science and since i transferred i didn't think to actually get my AA. anyways i went back to take the last 2 classes i needed in 2022). one of the classes i needed was an intro to web design. i actually could choose between that one and another one but it was a no-brainer for me.

over the years, my interest in coding dissapeared. i mostly studied C++ and java in school and was like.. just fine at it. i didn't like it that much but i didn't have any faith in myself creatively. i always knew i wanted to be a singer and a star but i was like um but how do i get there? so i went the safe route and as life goes sometimes... that doesn't always pan out. thats what my song String life = "the darkness"; is about (lol at the name fellow coders, amirite? ) anyways that class i think helped demystify web design for me. i never thought i would go back to coding and find a way to enjoy it again but here we are!!

so this website is a way for me to just literally have FUN!!! i sometimes dread working on it 'cause im a procrastinator and i just wanna read romance manga from morning till night but i want to get to the point of coding where i dont feel that knowledge hurdle. so im taking it easy and just letting myself do it as something fun for myself... u can email me if u like at m@marcika.club ... i think that email works. if i dont reply use chatbox at this link to be like heyyy i sent u an email. bc the email might not work. anyways. thanks for reading!