•.♥.•♥.•♥.•♥gaia online♥•.♥.•♥.•♥.•

gaia online is my favorite 2D dress up game (second life is my favorite 3D dress up game... btw)

gaia profile: xo_roTTeN miLk_xo
my username is a reference to my childhood account Oreos_Favorite_Milk. This was in reference to that oreo ad where its like "milks favorite cookie". idk ive always been really bad at naming my accounts but im kinda obsessed with this one... but everyone called me oreo as a nickname when technically im the milk. im oreos favorite milk... so im the milk. but oreo is a cute nickname so whatevs.

(was made for runway: All The Better To See You With-> Choose your favorite glasses and build a look around them. Any glasses will do, but they must be visible. i wear glasses and play guitar so making this i was like yayyy :) me! and i literally wish i owned that hat lol)

i started playing this game around 2009, got serious in 2011. famously u might have heard of the inflation problem... here's a really well put together post about it if you're curious!

but gaia online was truly a beast back in the day... i was a zOMG player & rally frequenter. zOMG was like WoW but more annoying (i never played WoW that's just a review i heard LOL but i looooveddd zOMG). i also loved marketplace. a real thrill. i loved seeing my little avi that i worked so hard to create. back then it was SO. HARD. to get the really good premium items so my avi didn't look anywhere as good as it does now. i used to get gaia cash by doing those ridiculous surveys. anyone remember those? like half didnt even get me anything (scammers.) but i did get at least 1000 gaia cash thru surveys and stuff so it was worth it! i remember i would buy the cheapest gatcha pack (or whatever theyre called) and id either keep the item if i liked it or i would sell it on marketplace. i think i got like 1,000,000 gold that way (this was basically pocket change with gaias economy....)

but ever since the market crash and people stopped playing, they changed gold to platinum and it became way easier to get the really nice stuff. so all the avatars here are avatars i've made in the past year, from most recent to least recent.

a lot of these are for gaia online runway... here's all my submissions u need a gaia account to see. but a lot of my faves r here! if u have a gaia account add me!

one of my faves to date...
gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia gaia